We All Need Friends Christian Fellowship

When the area was settled and the church at Chestnut Grove was organized in the 1860’s, the area was rural, travel was by foot, horse, or buggy. Travel was slow, but the bonds between neighbors and families were strong. Fellowship took place at every opportunity around church, singings, revivals, workdays at the church, cemetery, the school, or a neighbor’s homestead. In those days, and for many decades after, when disaster, sickness, or trouble befell someone in the community, many of their friends and neighbors were there to help.

Some of that bond has remained but has been diminished over time – a sign of the times many might say. The founding generations would say we’ve lost sight of what matters most.

Life and times are very different from what they were a few decades ago. In 2001 our country was attacked by terrorists and nearly 3,000 people died on September 11, 2001, and many more since that day as a result of illnesses contracted while cleaning up the rubble. Locally, on April 27, 2011, a tornado in our community forever changed the landscape and lives of many of our family, friends, and neighbors.

Then in the early Spring of 2020, a virus named COVID-19, created a world-wide pandemic. Many thousands died in the U.S.A., and around the world. The pandemic did bring many people closer to God, but it also resulted in a separation from our normal interactions with others – quarantine of sorts. It lasted for many months, it created harmful side effects of its own, such as loneliness, hopelessness, despair, and fear just to name a few.

The era of COVID was also a time where some people focused on doing good to help others, but some used the crisis to take advantage of both circumstances and other people. As with all things, the Lord knows, and the Lord will answer in His time.

While the pandemic has ended, some variant of COVID remains with us, just as much of the isolationism also remains. Joshua 1:9 says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” In our human failings we often forget the power in the Holy Word of God, but we cannot live in fear, we must put our faith in Him, and do His will to the best of our capabilities.

So what is this Fellowship?

A casual fellowship that we hope will restore the closeness once enjoyed throughout the community. One where everyone knows their neighbors and those living in the community, where a helping hand was always nearby, where brotherly love is broadly and deeply felt, and good character and honor prevail.

To put the Holy Word of God into practice in reaching out to those in the community in their times of need. To strengthen the bonds of community in the way it was practiced by our ancestors, the founding generations.

It is our desire that the fellowship will strengthen, broaden, and deepen the connectedness in the community. Friends supporting friends and neighbors.

Who can be a part of this Fellowship?

Anyone in the community.

Our goal is to have a few volunteers to lead the effort but allow for others in the community to step up and take the lead when an opportunity presents itself.

This activity is a key piece reenergizing the bonds between neighbors in the community, the sharing of God’s love, showing love and concern to our neighbors, just as the founding generations did. This activity will complete a key piece of our corporate purpose – deepening the sense of community and sharing brotherly love that binds the community together.

Over time, formal events will be planned to support this program. Keep checking back to the Events tab for new events planned. And if you have a question or a suggestion, please send us an email at [email protected].