
The dictionary defines Veteran as ‘a person who served in the military’. Those seven words are true, but they somehow lack the true depth of what a Veteran really is.
A Veteran is one who answered the call to defend their country – their way of life, their ideological constructs, their safety, and freedom.
A Veteran is one who put their life on hold to serve their country and their countrymen.
A Veteran is one who put the lives and freedoms of others ahead of their own.
If you are a Veteran – THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!
If you enjoy the many Rights and Freedoms we have in the U.S.A., THANK A VETERAN!

We thank the Lord for our Veterans – all Veterans who have defended freedom and democracy since before the United States of America became a country.

Veterans Initiatives at Mountain Home

  • Tribute to Veterans – Annual Event in November
  • Curating the history of Veterans buried at Mountain Home
  • Working to ensure every Veteran buried at Mountain Home has an appropriate Military marker
  • Making every effort to express thanks and respect for the service of each Veteran

The 4th Annual Tribute to Veteran’s event will be held on Saturday, November 9, 2024, before the National Veteran’s Day on November 11th. The event will start at 10:00 a.m. Central Time.

In 2021 the first Tribute to Veterans event was held on November 11th. The event began as a way for us as a small group to bring people together for the community to honor those Veterans who are still living in our community, and to pay our respects and offer thanks for those who served that are buried at Mountain Home. Each year our numbers have grown, a testament to the blessings of the Lord, and the honorable nature of our efforts.

At each prior event and planned for future events, we pray, recite the Pledge of Allegiance, stand for the singing of the National Anthem, have remarks from one or two invited speakers, give each attending Veterans and next of kin to a Veteran buried at Mountain Home a small token of thanks, and place an American Flag at the grave of each Veteran buried at Mountain Home.  We also have refreshments and a time of fellowship at the end of each event.

Just as our ancestors understood freedom did not come without sacrifice nor would it be retained without diligence; we recognize the need to have events to pass on what we have learned to be true. To honor those who have set aside their personal lives to serve and protect our country and the cause of democracy and freedom in other parts of the world is but a small way to remember and give thanks for their sacrifices, and for the freedoms we enjoy because they were willing to defend those rights.

Every day, we enjoy the freedom to worship, to move from place to place without interference, to work and decide how we will spend the money earned. While those and other rights are bestowed in the Constitution of the United States, they are not free – many fought for them so we could enjoy these freedoms.

Taking a few hours to focus on saying ‘Thank You for Your Service‘, and paying respects to those Veterans who have passed away is our way of keeping the cost of freedom on everyones mind, and to let the Veterans in our community know we appreciate their sacrifices, and the sacrifices of their family.

Long before this area was settled, our ancestors came to this country seeking freedom to worship as they chose, and freedom from dominating leaders. Then, and throughout history, honorable men and women have set their own desires aside to serve their fellow man, the rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

In 2021 we had two living Veterans and immediate family of four others.
In 2022 there were eight living Veterans and immediate family of eight others. 
The 2023 event was attended by 19 Veterans and over a dozen immediate family members of Veterans who have passed away.

Saturday, November 11, 2023 Veterans attending the Annual Tribute to Veterans at Mountain Home

Why do we have a program focused on Veterans?

The conduct of these initiatives and special events furthers the mission of the Heirs of Mountain Home by sharing our love of God, Family, and Country, while showing gratitude for those who have served to defend and preserve the freedoms we enjoy as Americans.

As an example, in January 1864, James Craze died during his military service defending the United States of America during the Civil War. He and many others who did the same are buried at Mountain Home. Remembering them and paying respect to their service and sacrifice allows the sharing of love for our fellow man as our ancestors did, the founding generations. They also help build a greater bond between people in the community who attend and have the opportunity to share the experience, and spend time in fellowship.