We replaced the American Flag at Mountain Home on Veterans Day – November 11, 2023. In February of this year during a strong storm with high winds brought the flag down. A broken cord and a twisted pulley caused the flag to be out of commission for a few weeks.

On Friday, April 5th, replacement parts were installed along with a new solar light and the American Flag was hoisted back to the top of the pole.

On Veterans Day 2021, four months before it was installed, the flag had a home. It was to be installed in the stump of the oldest tree at Mountain Home that dates back to the late 1800’s (based on the rings of its age). It was first installed in March 2022 by Tommy Lea and Rex Beaty. And until the storm in February 2024, it flew every day.

We want to thank everyone who came and helped get the repairs made and hoisted the flag back to its place overlooking the church and the cemetery.